Book Chapters
Buckley, J., Wallin, P., Matemba, E., Power., J., Mohanty, A. & Bombaerts, G. (Forthcoming 2023). Case Study: Ireland. In Johri, A. (Eds), Handbook of Engineering Education Research.
Buckley, J., Seery, N., Canty, D., & Dunbar, R. (Forthcoming 2023). Case Study: Ireland. In S. Bartholomew, M. Hoepfl & J. Williams (Eds.), Standards-Based Program Planning & Implementation in Technology and Engineering Education. Council on Technology & Engineering Teacher Education.
Buckley, J. (Forthcoming 2022). Learning spatial abilities. In M. de Vries, R. Klapwijk, J. Gu & C. Yang (Eds.), Maker Education and Technology Education: Reflections on Good Practice. Brill | Sense.
Buckley, J. (In Press). Historical and philosophical origins of technology education. In M. McLain, D. Irving-Bell, D. Wooff & D. Gill (Eds.), The Bloomsbury Handbook of Technology Education: Perspectives and Practice. Bloomsbury.
[3] Hartell, E., & Buckley, J. (2022). Status and trends of STEM education in Sweden. In Y-F. Lee, & L-S. Lee (Ed.), Status and Trends of STEM Education in Highly Competitive Countries: Country Reports and International Comparison (pp. 305-359). Technological and Vocational Education Research Center (TVERC), National Taiwan Normal University, and K-12 Educational Administration (K12EA), Ministry of Education, Taiwan.
[2] Buckley J., Seery N., Canty D., & Gumaelius L. (2022) The Importance of Spatial Ability Within Technology Education. In: P.J. Williams, & B. von Mengersen (eds), Applications of Research in Technology Education (pp. 165-182). Springer, Singapore.
[1] Hartell, E., & Buckley, J. (2021). Comparative judgement: An overview. In A. Marcus Quinn, &, T. Hourigan (Eds.), Handbook for Online Learning Contexts: Digital, Mobile and Open (pp. 289-307). Cham: Springer.
Book Reviews
[1] Buckley, J. (2018). [Review of the book Design epistemology and curriculum planning, by E. Norman & Baynes, K. (Eds.)]. Design and Technology Education: An International Journal, 23(1), 109-112.