Conference Papers
[44] Panagiotis, P., Buckley, J., Gumaelius, L., & Rosen, A. (2022). Engineering students’ motivation for learning on challenge driven project courses: A qualitative pilot study. SEFI Annual Conference 2022. Barcelona, Spain: Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya.
[43] Buckley, J., & Canty, D. (2022). Assessing performance: The technical challenges in developing and validating “ACJ-Steady State”. PATT2022: PATT on the edge: Technology, innovation, and education. Newfoundland & Labrador, Canada: Memorial University.
[42] Reid, C., Buckley, J., Dunbar, R., & Seery, N. (2022). Examining the relationship between spatial ability and cognitive load during complex problem solving. PATT2022: PATT on the edge: Technology, innovation, and education. Newfoundland & Labrador, Canada: Memorial University.
[41] Canty, D., Blom, N., Seery, N., Buckley, J., & Dunbar, R. (2022). Investigating student teacher assessment literacy development through an assessment as learning activity. PATT2022: PATT on the edge: Technology, innovation, and education. Newfoundland & Labrador, Canada: Memorial University.
[40] Mc Dyer, M., Buckley, J., Dunbar, R., Blom, N., & Seery, N. (2022). A categorisation of the aims of design-based research in technology education. PATT2022: PATT on the edge: Technology, innovation, and education. Newfoundland & Labrador, Canada: Memorial University.
[39] Maquet, L., Dunbar, R., Buckley, J., Seery, N., & Sorby, S. (2022). A review of the literature to inform the efficacy of a spatial skills intervention for secondary level STEM education. PATT2022: PATT on the edge: Technology, innovation, and education. Newfoundland & Labrador, Canada: Memorial University.
[38] Whittaker, D., Dunbar, R., & Buckley, J. (2022). An analysis of the Irish Junior Cycle Graphics specification to explore the treatment of spatial cognition. PATT2022: PATT on the edge: Technology, innovation, and education. Newfoundland & Labrador, Canada: Memorial University.
[37] Buckley, J., & Pears, A. (2021). A rapid review and qualitative synthesis of interpretations of digital competence in higher education research. Proceedings of the 37th International Manufacturing Conference. Athlone, Ireland: Athlone Institute of Technology.
[36] Buckley, J., Hyland, T., & Seery, N. (2021). Examining the replicability of contemporary technology education research. PATT2021:Technology in our hands. Creative pedagogy and ambitious teacher education. Rauma, Finland: University of Turku.
[35] Reid, C., Buckley, J., & Dunbar, R. (2021). Investigating the effect of engineering student’s spatial ability and expertise on general complex problem solving. PATT2021:Technology in our hands. Creative pedagogy and ambitious teacher education. Rauma, Finland: University of Turku.
[34] Canty, D., Seery, N., Buckley, J., & Dunbar, R. (2021). A conceptual framework for the assessment of learning in technology classroom based assessments. PATT2021:Technology in our hands. Creative pedagogy and ambitious teacher education. Rauma, Finland: University of Turku.
[33] Dunbar, R., Seery, N., & Buckley, J. (2021). The motivations and perceptions of practicing teachers undertaking technology education research: A work in progress report from an exploratory case study. PATT2021:Technology in our hands. Creative pedagogy and ambitious teacher education. Rauma, Finland: University of Turku.
[32] Panagiotis, P., Gumaelius, L., Buckley, J., & Pears, A. (2020). Considerations in the development of a follow-up exploratory quantitative design for student's motivation regarding to work industry-related activities in higher engineering education. In Proceedings of the 2020 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference. Uppsala, Sweden: Frontiers in Education.
[31] Panagiotis, P., Gumaelius, L., Buckley, J., & Pears, A. (2019). On the role of industry contact on the motivation and professional development of engineering students. In Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference. Cincinnati, Ohio: Frontiers in Education.
[30] Buckley, J., Gumaelius, L., Hyland, T., Seery, N., & Pears, A. (2019). A comparison of Swedish and Irish secondary students’ conceptions of engineers and engineering using the Draw-an-Engineer Test. In Proceedings of the 126th ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition. Tampa, Florida: American Society for Engineering Education.
[29] Buckley, J., Hyland, T., Seery, N., Gumaelius, L., & Pears, A. (2019). Investigating perceptions of intelligence as an approach to understanding female representation in technology and engineering education. In S. Pule (Ed.), PATT2019: Developing a knowledge economy through technology and engineering education. Msida, Malta: University of Malta.
[28] Dunbar, R., Buckley, J., & Seery, N. (2019). Curriculum development for technology teacher education: Integrating pedagogy, epistemology and capability. In S. Pule (Ed.), PATT2019: Developing a knowledge economy through technology and engineering education. Msida, Malta: University of Malta.
[27] Hyland, T., Buckley, J., Seery, N., & Gordon, S. (2019). The predictive capacity of spatial ability for knowledge retention in third level technology and engineering education. In S. Pule (Ed.), PATT2019: Developing a knowledge economy through technology and engineering education. Msida, Malta: University of Malta.
[26] Reid, C., Dunbar, R., & Buckley, J. (2019). Developing a methodological approach to measure cognitive load during complex problem solving: Working to understand the role of spatial ability in problem solving. In S. Pule (Ed.), PATT2019: Developing a knowledge economy through technology and engineering education. Msida, Malta: University of Malta.
[25] Canty, D., Seery, N., & Buckley, J. (2019). Inducting ITE students in assessment practices through the use of comparative judgement. In S. Pule (Ed.), PATT2019: Developing a knowledge economy through technology and engineering education. Msida, Malta: University of Malta.
[24] Buckley, J., Seery, N., Canty, D., & Gumaelius, L. (2018). On intelligence in technology education: Towards redefining technological capability. In N. Seery, J. Buckley, D. Canty, & J. Phelan (Eds.), PATT2018: Research and Practice in Technology Education: Perspectives on Human Capacity and Development. Westmeath, Ireland: Athlone Institute of Technology.
[23] Hyland, T., Buckley, J., Seery, N., Power, J., & Gordon, S. (2018). Investigating the relationships between spatial ability, interest, and task experience on knowledge retention in engineering education. In N. Seery, J. Buckley, D. Canty, & J. Phelan (Eds.), PATT2018: Research and Practice in Technology Education: Perspectives on Human Capacity and Development. Westmeath, Ireland: Athlone Institute of Technology.
[22] Reid, C., Dunbar, R., & Buckley, J. (2018). A preliminary model of problem categorisation to explore the cognitive abilities required for problem solving in engineering education. In N. Seery, J. Buckley, D. Canty, & J. Phelan (Eds.), PATT2018: Research and Practice in Technology Education: Perspectives on Human Capacity and Development. Westmeath, Ireland: Athlone Institute of Technology.
[21] Buckley, J., Seery, N., & Canty, D. (2018). Examining the components of fluid intelligence: Implications for STEM education. In S. Sorby, & M. Sadowski (Eds.), Proceedings of the ASEE Engineering Design Graphics Division 72nd Mid-Year Conference. Montego Bay, Jamaica: ASEE.
[20] Buckley, J., Canty, D., & Seery, N. (2018). Spatial working memory in mental rotations: A case for exploring neural efficiency and cognitive strategies. In S. Sorby, & M. Sadowski (Eds.), Proceedings of the ASEE Engineering Design Graphics Division 72nd Mid-Year Conference. Montego Bay, Jamaica: ASEE.
[19] Hyland, T., Buckley, J., Seery, N., Gordon, S., & Canty, D. (2018). Assessing design activity in engineering education: A proposed synthesis of adaptive comparative judgement and the CDIO framework. Proceedings of the ASEE Engineering Design Graphics Division 72nd Mid-Year Conference. Montego Bay, Jamaica: ASEE.
[18] Buckley, J., Seery, N., & Canty, D. (2017). An exploratory analysis into the relationships between spatial factors, domain-free general capacities and general fluid intelligence. In M. de Vries, L. Litowitz, & S. Warner (Eds.), PATT2017: Technology & Engineering Education – Fostering the Creativity of Youth Around The Globe. Philadelphia, USA: Millersville University of Pennsylvania.
[17] Phelan, J., Buckley, J., Canty, D., & Seery, N. (2017). A proposed research agenda for investigating the nature of designerly thinking in action. In M. de Vries, L. Litowitz, & S. Warner (Eds.), PATT2017: Technology & Engineering Education – Fostering the Creativity of Youth Around The Globe. Philadelphia, USA: Millersville University of Pennsylvania.
[16] Seery, N., Delahunty, T., Canty, D., & Buckley, J. (2017). Illustrating educational development through ipsative performance in design based education. In M. de Vries, L. Litowitz, & S. Warner (Eds.), PATT2017: Technology & Engineering Education – Fostering the Creativity of Youth Around The Globe. Philadelphia, USA: Millersville University of Pennsylvania.
[15] O’Connor, A., Buckley, J., Seery, N., & Cleveland-Innes, M. (2016). Identifying, developing and grading “soft skills” in higher education: A technological approach. In B. Campbell, L. McNutt, & B. Hunter (Eds.), Proceedings of Higher Education in Transformation Symposium. Ontario, Canada: HEIT.
[14] Buckley, J., Seery, N., & Canty, D. (2016). The validity and reliability of online testing for the assessment of spatial ability. In J. Birchman (Ed.), Proceedings of the ASEE Engineering Design Graphics Division 71st Mid-Year Conference (pp. 11–16). Nashua, New Hampshire: ASEE.
[13] Buckley, J., & Seery, N. (2016). The potential bifurcation of static and dynamic spatial cognitive processes. In J. Birchman (Ed.), Proceedings of the ASEE Engineering Design Graphics Division 71st Mid-Year Conference (pp. 97–103). Nashua, New Hampshire: ASEE.
[12] Seery, N., Buckley, J., Doyle, A., & Canty, D. (2016). The validity and reliability of adaptive comparative judgements in the assessment of graphical capability. In J. Birchman (Ed.), ASEE Engineering Design Graphics Division 71st Mid-Year Conference (pp. 104–109). Nashua, New Hampshire: Proceedings of ASEE.
[11] Buckley, J., Phelan, J., Seery, N., & Canty, D. (2016). Assessing visual perception in virtual reality environments. In P. Tiernan (Ed.), Proceedings of the 33rd International Manufacturing Conference. Limerick, Ireland: University of Limerick.
[10] Buckley, J., Howley, U., & Seery, N. (2016). An exploratory study into the cognitive and behavioural influences on problem solving performance. In P. Tiernan (Ed.), Proceedings of the 33rd International Manufacturing Conference. Limerick, Ireland: University of Limerick.
[9] Buckley, J., O’Neill, C., & Seery, N. (2016). Technology mediated assessment of dynamic spatial ability. In P. Tiernan (Ed.), Proceedings of the 33rd International Manufacturing Conference. Limerick, Ireland: University of Limerick.
[8] Seery, N., Buckley, J., Bowe, B., & Carthy, D. (2016). Spatial ability in education: A national study. In P. Tiernan (Ed.), Proceedings of the 33rd International Manufacturing Conference. Limerick, Ireland: University of Limerick.
[7] Seery, N., Buckley, J., Hyland, T., & Canty, D. (2016). MIND strengths: The unique cognitive architecture of engineering and technology students. In P. Tiernan (Ed.), Proceedings of the 33rd International Manufacturing Conference. Limerick, Ireland: University of Limerick.
[6] Buckley, J., & Seery, N. (2016). An investigation into problem solving approaches adopted during graphical reasoning episodes. In M. de Vries, A. Bekker-Holtland, & G. van Dijk (Eds.), Proceedings of PATT2016: Technology Education for 21st Century Skills (pp. 118–128). Utrecht, Netherlands: PATT.
[5] Seery, N., Canty, D., O’Connor, A., Buckley, J., & Doyle, A. (2016). Identifying, developing and grading “soft skills” in design and technology education: A methodological approach. In M. de Vries, A. Bekker-Holtland, & G. van Dijk (Eds.), Proceedings of PATT2016: Technology Education for 21st Century Skills (pp. 419–428). Utrecht, Netherlands: PATT.
[4] Power, J., Buckley, J., Seery, N., & Canty, D. (2016). Investigating the factor structure of pupils attitudes towards technology. In M. de Vries, A. Bekker-Holtland, & G. van Dijk (Eds.), Proceedings of PATT2016: Technology Education for 21st Century Skills (pp. 391–399). Utrecht, Netherlands: PATT.
[3] Buckley, J., & Seery, N. (2016). Framing spatial cognition: Establishing a research agenda. In L. Sun, H. Steinhauer, & D. Lane (Eds.), Proceedings of the ASEE Engineering Design Graphics Division 70th Mid-Year Conference (pp. 118–122). Daytona Beach, Florida: EDGD.
[2] Power, J., Buckley, J., & Seery, N. (2016). Visualizing success: Investigating the relationship between ability and self-efficacy in the domain of visual processing. In L. Sun, H. Steinhauer, & D. Lane (Eds.), Proceedings of the ASEE Engineering Design Graphics Division 70th Mid-Year Conference (pp. 73–79). Daytona Beach, Florida: EDGD.
[1] Seery, N., Buckley, J., & Delahunty, T. (2015). Developing a spatial ability framework to support spatial ability research in engineering education. In B. Bowe (Ed.), Proceedings of 6th Research in Engineering Education Symposium (pp. 1–9). Dublin, Ireland: Dublin Institute of Technology.
Conference Presentations
[9] Hartell, E., & Buckley, J. (2022). Unpacking decision making in comparative judgement: A stimulated think-aloud methodology to gain insight into young peoples’ decision making. AEA - Europe 2022. Dublin, Ireland: Association for Educational Assessment - Europe.
[8] Grant, K., Dunbar, R., & Buckley, J. (2021). Fostering metacognitive abilities for the development of the values of technological capability. PATT2021:Technology in our hands. Creative pedagogy and ambitious teacher education. Rauma, Finland: University of Turku.
[7] Rowan, N., Buckley, J., Seery, N., & Murray, N. (2019). Blending immersive and educational technologies to inform sustainability and diversification of workforce training through machine interface learning using sterilization technologies as model – quo vadis?. In 10th Kilmer Conference 2019, Dublin, Ireland: Johnson & Johnson.
[6] Buckley, J., Hyland, T., Gumaelius, L., Seery, N., & Pears, A. (2019). Engineering education research methods to determine conceptions of engineers and of engineering. In 2019 UK and Ireland Engineering Education Research Network Spring Colloquium, Dublin, Ireland: Technological University Dublin.
[5] Buckley, J., Canty, D., & Seery, N. (2019). The importance and usefulness of comparative judgement for educational assessment. In ResearchED Leads Network Day, Haninge, Stockholm, Sweden: ResearchED.
[4] Buckley, J. (2018). Spatial ability and fluid intelligence. In ResearchED Leads Network Day, Haninge, Stockholm, Sweden: ResearchED.
[3] Buckley, J., Doyle, A., Hartell, E., & Seery, N. (2017). Adaptive comparative judgement: A mechanism to enrich and enhance assessment practices to support teaching and learning. In Lärarnas forskningskonferens 2017, Stockholm, Sweden: Pedagog Stockholm.
[2] Seery, N., O’Connor, A., Canty, D., & Buckley, J. (2015). Digital badges in initial technology teacher education: A method for grading explicit soft skills. In P. Gormley (Ed.), Proceedings of EdTech 2015: Beyond the Horizon: Policy, Practice and Possibilities. Limerick, Ireland: Irish Learning Technology Association.
[1] Canty, D., Buckley, J., Seery, N., O’Connor, A., & Kelly, M. (2015). The validity of digital badges as a currency for soft skill attainment. In P. Gormley (Ed.), Proceedings of EdTech 2015: Beyond the Horizon: Policy, Practice and Possibilities. Limerick, Ireland: Irish Learning Technology Association.
Conference Proceedings
[1] Seery, N., Buckley, J., Canty, D., & Phelan, J. (Eds.). (2018). 2018 PATT International Conference: Research and Practice in Technology Education: Perspectives on Human Capacity and Development. Athlone, Ireland: Athlone Institute of Technology.