Invited Talks
[6] Theorising and Investigating the Causal Mechanism between Spatial Ability and STEM Education. Linköping University.
[5] Using comparative judgement for educational assessment (with Dr Eva Hartell). Memorial University of Newfoundland.
[4] Developments in Adaptive Comparative Judgement for Assessment in Technology Education in Ireland. Keynote address at the Annual Swedish Technology Education Research Conference. Linköping University.
[3] An introduction to comparative judgement for educational assessment. University of Sunderland.
[2] Comparative judgement: An overview (with Dr Eva Hartell). Memorial University of Newfoundland.
[1] Academic perspective of life as a postgraduate (Invited panelist). Shannon Region Postgraduate Research Conference. Online event.
Seminars and Workshops
[3] Buckley, J., & Doyle, A. (2018). The Capacity of Adaptive Comparative Judgment as a Tool for Educational Assessment. KTH Royal Institute of Technology Dept. of Learning Higher Seminar. Stockholm, Sweden: KTH.
[2] Hartell, E., Canty, D., Seery, N., Doyle, A., & Buckley, J. (2017). Bedömningsexempel och sambedömning med hög reliabilitet (Worked Examples and Collaborative Assessment with High Reliability). Skolforum 2017.Stockholm, Sweden: Skolforum.
[1] Buckley, J., Seery, N., & Canty, D. (2017). Insights from eye-tracking and pupillometry in design education research. Design Education Research Seminar. Westmeath, Ireland: Athlone Institute of Technology.
Public Scholarship
[2] Buckley, J., & Power, J. (2022). The importance of socialisation and motivation in immersive work-based learning models in engineering education [Invited Editorial]. SEFI Ethics Special Interest Group.
[1] Hartell, E., Buckley, J., Gumaelius, L., Doyle, A., & Seery, N. (2018). Arbeta med komparativ bedömning (Working with comparative assessment). Skola & Samhälle.